Front Desk

Savannah Daras

March Feature Artist ​What I portray through my work is the essence of a dream, qualities that exist in the most perfect and beautiful of worlds; realistic mysticism. The aspects of life that you notice when you stop allowing your mind to take control, and just “be”. I like to say that I bring dreams

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Scott Thorp

February Feature Artist ​Scott Thorp  is a self taught photographer. His first interest in photography was in 4th grade and then again in high school spending many hours in the darkroom. After high school he photographed portraits and weddings for about 10 years. Taking a break from the stress of producing images for others it was

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Sam Guay

January Feature Artist Sam Guay is an illustrator primarily focused on personal works exploring lucid dreams, sensory deprivation and unseen emotional worlds. She’s currently working to finish the Blood Moon Tarrot, a full tarrot deck, in early 2018.Sam lives and works in the woods of New Hampshire. Her work has been included in publications such

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Jeff Jacques

December Feature Artist I draw questions, and we each come to our conclusions, so who is right? If I see what I see and you see what you see, how can we say one of us is right and the other is wrong? What happens if we share what we see with someone who holds

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