We provide two different options of earplugs for your float. Earplugs are not necessary, but most people do prefer them. We always recommend putting earplugs in prior to showering as they can be very difficult to secure once your ears are wet.

One option provided is a standard foam earplug. Most people are more familiar with this style of earplug. These earplugs roll in to a thin “snake” that is inserted into the ear canal and allowed to expand. Once expanded, this should block your ear canal from filing up with salt water during your float.

Another option provided is a silicone based earplug. These earplugs are NOT inserted into the ear canal, but rather forms a seal around the outside of your ear. There is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to securing these plugs into your ears, if they are not properly applied, they can easily pop out during your float; however, guests who can manage to get a solid seal, swear by them!!
If you don’t particularly mind the feeling of water in your ears, floating without earplugs is also an option. It is completely safe for the salt water to enter your ear canal. Many frequent floaters have ditched the earplugs all together, finding this much less hassle and more comfortable.
The salt solution will not damage your ears but with six pounds of epsom salt per gallon of water, that salt might tend to stick around after your float. We provide a simple water and vinegar solution in our prep room that can help clear any residual salt left over from your float, or rinsing them out in the shower also does the trick! If you forget to do this, you might notice that you can hear some leftover salt crunching around when you yawn or chew. This is completely safe and should not cause discomfort but can be incredibly annoying. Rinsing your ears with the ear rinse solution should take care of this immediately.
Many floaters find it comfortable to float without earplugs, however it is NOT for everyone. It is not recommended for guests who have had an eardrum burst recently or have ear tubes to float without earplugs, as the salt solution can be irritating to such sensitive areas.
This should not be taken as medical advice, if you have any specific questions we recommend asking your physician before coming in to float.