First Quarter – Float for Philanthropy

Well, we picked a date for our quarterly Float for Philanthropy day and it coincided with a Nor’ Easter… but we had a few dedicated, philanthropists who came in for a float before we made the decision to close early for safety.

We managed to raise $300 that day and each floater put the name of a Maine based organization into a jar. The winner of the drawing had chosen for the funds to go to the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (ILAP) based right here out of Portland!

What is ILAP?

What is ILAP? We didn’t know either! That’s why we love hosting this fundraising event; we end up learning about great organizations right here in our community!

The Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project provides free and low-cost immigration information and legal assistance to low-income Maine residents. ILAP helps Maine’s immigrants keep their families together, gain protection from persecution and domestic violence, attain residency and work authorization, and become proud U.S. citizens. ILAP builds stable families and improved opportunities, allowing Maine’s immigrants to contribute to their communities for generations to come.

  • ILAP promotes culturally and economically dynamic communities in Maine.
  • ILAP makes certain that all individuals can contribute to their communities.
  • ILAP ensures that laws are applied fairly and equally to all.
  • ILAP reunites families, by bringing loved ones to new homes and new lives here in Maine.
  • ILAP saves individuals from torture and persecution.
  • ILAP protects isolated women trapped in abusive relationships.
  • ILAP advocates for laws that address the root causes of inequality and discrimination.

When will the next Float for Philanthropy be held?

We typically announce our fundraisers and events first to our mailing list. If you’d like to be among the first to know, then sign up for our monthly email. We seriously only send one-two per month and only if there’s something to mention! Sign up using the form in the lower right corner of the site.