Float tanks are also referred to as sensory deprivation tanks. The goal is to achieve ultimate relaxation by limiting sensory input, allowing our central nervous system to rest. While most avid floaters will tell you that floating in absolute darkness and complete silence is really where your brain and body receive the most beneficial rest, the lights and music can be a helpful tool in the relaxation process, especially when first settling in to your float.
When you arrive for your appointment, you will choose a light color and music track that will be set to your float tank for the session. We always begin each float session with a light on and some music playing to help you ease into your float experience, but you can turn all of that off at any point in time from right inside the float tank (or turn it back on, if you prefer). The light button can be turned on and off, and you may adjust of the volume of the music track – toggle between mute, low, medium, or high volume options.
Our light color options are quite comprehensive, including color changing options if you’re feeling especially adventurous. There is a wide selection of preselected music tracks to choose from or you can plug in your own phone. When using your own music selection we do recommend finding a playlist that will last about two hours long as you will not want to interrupt your float session to change the music. Many frequent floaters have found that listening to music that you are not very familiar with can make it much easier to relax, as you won’t spend the entire float session singing along to your favorite tunes.

We do highly recommend turning it all off and experiencing true sensory deprivation at some point during your float. It is not often that we get the opportunity to experience absolutely nothing! With that said, quieting your mind and relaxing your body can take some time. Much like yoga or meditation, floating is a practice, and gets easier with time and experience!